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tv   The 11th Hour With Brian Williams  MSNBC  October 18, 2016 8:00pm-8:31pm PDT

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tonight our live coverage from las vegas, donald trump, hillary clinton prepare for their final presidential debate. what we are learning about their plans going in and who donald trump is bringing to that's the quote from president obama toward donald trump for trying to discredit the election before votes are counted. and further, suggesting trump doesn't have what it takes to do the job. and not backing down, trump warns of corruption at the polls in some of the nation's biggest cities, tonight, what his followers are warning might happen if he loses t. "the 11th hour" begins now. you are looking live at the las vegas strip from the maraj in the background home of donny and marie all the way down to valleys and beyond. and fair warning, we're
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expanding to a full hour tonight because of the ground we have to cover. three weeks from tonight, we'll be covering the election returns. 24 hours from now, we will be analyzing the third and final presidential debate. tomorrow night, all eyes will be on donald trump and hillary clinton in las vegas. they have both now arrived in the city. and this is what the stage looks like. it's on the unlv campus. and for tomorrow night, we're back to that standard set-up of two lek turns and a desk for the moderator chris wallace of fox news. donald trump appeared at two rallies today as staff says he's doing debate prep, but who knows. if you're tracking cliche coverage then you know there are a ton of boxing comparisons out there, given the vegas backdrop. analysts are fond of saying for trump to win, he must deliver a knock-out blow or give the performance of his life. and again today he made a topic
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out of debate prep. >> tomorrow night's going to be interesting. now she's home sleeping and i'm working. so that's the way it's going to be in the white house too. she'd be sleeping, i'd be working. she's doing debate prep. she did so much debate prep, did we beat her badly in that second debate? sort of funny, she's been doing this for 30 years, now she has to do debate prep for five days. you know what the debate prep is? it's resting. it's lying down, going to sleep. >> in keeping with the theme, donald trump using the language of a boxing weigh-in, taunting his opponent on stamina. hillary clinton is indeed preparing for the debate. her last public event was wednesday of last week and her lead in the polls has grown during that period.
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the real clear politics average of the latest national polls in this race showing clinton nearly seven points up on trump and as she looks to expand the map, we watch tonight as just in the past hour, bernie sanders was rallying a crowd of clinton supporters in previously ruby red arizona. i want to bring out our panel tonight joining us live from las vegas. nbc news correspondent kasey hunt, john rollstone and expert on the politic was of that state. and with us here in new york is our friend and msnbc political analysts and veteran of numerous republican campaigns, steve schmitt, welcome to you all. kasey, earlier this evening, i heard you talking about the use of the term of the durability of hillary clinton's lead thus far. it has meant she can build in down time now, and let everyone
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else spin themselves out. let her surrogates hit the campaign trail, but how does that affect the strategy walking in that hall tomorrow night, what do you think it'll be? >> reporter: brian, i think the strategy here is to maintain what they've done the last two debates. they've kept her out of sight. they've given her the time she needs to prepare. i think they are focussed on potentially hand american league curve ball. you saw one right before that second debate. and afterwards, they were really focussed on saying, hey, hillary clinton was not rattled by this. i think they're going to be more prepared for something like that this time, but i think the risk here is a little bit of overconfidence. i have to tell you, traveling inside the campaign bubble, it feels relentlessly upbeat, cheerful, optimistic, almost like it's air force one in waiting on this charter plane with hillary clinton. that's kind of the mood among the staff. and i think that the risk going
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into the debate is that they get too overconfident there. they are going to make strategic decisions because this lead in the final week has started to feel more durable. it's let them focus a little bit more down ballot. we'll see if it's distracting at all to hillary clinton tomorrow night. >> john, where do you put this? >> well, i think kasey is right in terms of where hillary clinton is, brian, but i doubt that she's going to come into this overconfident. because of what you mentioned. the curve ball that could come at her from donald trump. i expect donald trump to take a kitchen sink approach in this debate and for hillary clinton to continue as much as she can to use the word desperate or some form of the word desperate, brian that describe what donald trump is saying no matter what he is saying about her and do more than anyone i've seen in debates or interviews. which is not talk about what she doesn't to want talk about. she's an expert at pivoting
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which is where the moderator comes in on both sides. the role that chris wallace takes in this i think is going to be very, very important. and as you know, brian, that can be very, very critical into how a debate goes and how it's perceived by the public. >> last night on this broadcast, steve schmitt said because he's not a journalist, he is a political type, he can declare this race over. you went and declared it over. i asked you earlier if you'd had any push back from your republican friends, you said no, having said that, which donald trump do you prepare for if your job is to prepare hillary clinton tomorrow night? >> the same donald trump that you've seen all throughout this election cycle. somebody who fundamentally lacks the capacity of restraint. he will take the bait and he will respond to every provocation. he will be erratic. he will be uninformed. he will be easily provoked.
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we talkle all through this campaign about donald trump as a multi-facetted personality. which donald trump will show up? is it this one or another one, and the one thing has been the constant si of donald trump. he is who he is. and donald trump that was in the first debate, he was erratic and incoherent, became the donald trump of the second debate, who was erratic and incoherent sulking about the stage and we'll see a combination of that. it bears mentioning as we come into the third debate versus the third debate. the first debate, donald trump was down two and a half points on the real clear politics national average. comes in at a third debate now, the state of texas, the state of utah, the state of alaska, and the state of arizona are all in play. and it could be that hillary clinton wins 4-4, 3-4, or 2-4,
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but the bottom line is that trend that that represents is devastating. and it shows the panic that is now o seeping into republican races, down broot all across the country, gubernatorial, the u.s. senate, and the house of representatives level. >> kasey hunt, we saw that press conference when donald trump brought the kaernls in to see the clinton accusers before the last debate. talk to us about who will be in the official guest section of both the clinton camp and the trump camp tomorrow night. >> reporter: well, brian, hillary clinton's campaign is bringing in what i guess you could call, or they might say privately the real billionaires, mark cuban, meg whitman among them in that box. so i think, you know, that, again, designed to kind of get underneath donald trump's skin a little bit. donald trump bringing in the president's half brother and the
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mother of one of those soldiers killed in benghazi, libya, of course also designed to underscore the things he has focussed on throughout the course of this campaign to try to get underneath hillary clinton's skin. i think we've seen, honestly, to a level i'm not sure has ever been matched in past campaigns. an attempt to use this public box as a way to get at a debate opponent. typically which is just used for -- look at vice presidential candidates. they brought family, aunts and uncles, you know, it varied kind of who wants to be here for this historic moment? neither hillary clinton or donald trump are using it to that effect tomorrow night. >> and john, i'm thinking godfather was a testimony was interrupted by his brother from the home country, rendering him unable to testify. this is fully in keeping with that city you love and that state you love putting on the biggest show of this election
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season. >> i can't believe you're caricaturing my great state and city. first with the donny and marie reference. >> they are playing at the flamingo. >> they're on the wall right here. >> best act for years in a row. i read only the side of the flamingo. >> that's very true, who's going to be country and rock and roll tomorrow night. i actually think that the point that steve schmitt made about what's really going on in the republican party now is this flat out panic about what trump could do down ballot. and here in nevada, of course, we have what may be the most pivotal senate race for harry reid's seat. the only seat that the republicans had a chance to take from the democrats, and joe heck recently disavowed donald trump, said he should step down. he is getting absolutely e vis rated here on conservative talk radio. if that race slips away from the republicans, the state already, i think, is slipping away from, is now down by six points in a couple of recent polls.
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and so i think the republican party has a lot to worry about down ballot and a lot of these states. especially in nevada with that senate race and two republican house seats. you know, the house is now being in play if this gets bad enough. there are two republican house seats here in nevada that could turn democratic. >> because i like to get steve shapiro all worked up, schmitt, my goodness, that's a former producer here, steve shapiro. it's late. >> good guy. >> let's go to some of the donald trump sound we have that has taken a bit of a darker turn on what might happen after the election and what might happen on election day. >> they even want to try and rig the election at the polling booth where so many cities are corrupt and voter fraud is all too common. and then they say, oh there's no voter fraud in our country. there's no fraud. no, no, no, there's no voter
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fraud. look at st. louis, look at philadelphia, look at chicago, and then i have even the republicans saying, oh, this is a wonderful -- look, look, if nothing else, people are going to be watching on november 8th. watch philadelphia. watch st. louis. watch chicago. watch chicago. watch so many other places. but then, do you ever notice they say there's no voter fraud. now, there's a voter fraud also with the media. because they so poison the minds of people by writing false stories. they are the -- i believe actually they are more crooked than crooked hillary. i really do. that's a lot. >> so steve, when he names specific cities -- >> yeah. >> it sure seems like an overt message for people to show up at polling places. what's going to happen? >> well, let me translate that. what he's saying to his all white audience there is that
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black people in america's inner cities are going to steal the election from all of you good people. from me, donald trump. and he is making up out of cloth this notion that there is any widespread voter fraud in the united states. there's simply not. there are instances of voter fraud. they are few and far twooen. we have a decentralized election process with no systemic voter fraud processes. and this is a fundamental point. he's not just attacking hillary clinton here. he is attacking at a foundational level how we pick our leaders in this country. and we have had, and i said last night, and i'll say it again, we've had uninterrupted peaceful transition to power in this country where the loser validates the result and legitimizes the winner since 1797. there has never, ever, ever,
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ever been a presidential candidate is trying to delengt miez the result of the election. and the supporters, the information's of violence. you have had people in adjusted and we'll have to communicate clear clearly and intimidating specifically minorities in the process. this is dark stuff. and it is unprecedented. and republicans need to understand this. so with such determination to undermine and court the
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foundation not on the democratic party. but on democratic institutions themselves. >> i think what steve is talking about, and the sound that he played from donald trump underscores part of why hillary clinton's campaign has been so aggressive in the last 24 hours in trying to talk about expanding this map. both publicly and finally. i think this campaign has always felt pressure to make sure that they didn't screw it up. frankly there are a lot of people that work for hillary clinton who feel very deeply this election and say she was running against jeb bush or marco rubio because democrats feel like this would be a pop listic in many ways. but thing talk about a rigged election from donald trump makes them feel like if they don't overwhelmingly paint the map of the country blue, there's going to be major questions coming out of this and that it's unclear,
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you know, what the outcome might be. so i think they are feeling that imperative even more heavily which is why you're hearing them talk more aesht arizona, about texas, georgia, about the states that steve was talking about earlier. >> and john, it is very likely, the question will be asked, probably by chris wallace, in some form tomorrow night, if you lose on november 8th, will you concede? his running mate, mr. pence, sees that as no problem, why of course that'll be the will of the voters. it's also likely his answer's going to be conditional. we'll see. if it's a couple points here or there, we may challenge it. >> you know, brian, i don't think that steve schmitt is exaggerating the seriousness of this. this is a guy who on the national stage is going to engage in humiliation. he's willing to burn down the house and he's willing to fundamentally try to scare americans into thinking the very presets of this democracy are
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not what they thought they were. and so i do not think that he will -- he is going to say that he would concede the election. this is much worse than the dog whistling that steve schmitt was talking about. this is insidious. it is designed to essentially foment the kind of violence that we've already seen in isolated packets in trump rallies et cetera after this election. it is a guy who was unwilling to accept what every other -- as steve pointed out, loser has accepted in presidential politics. it is not -- it's not funny. it is very, very dark. and i have to tell you, brian, i think it's very, very scary what he's doing. and it does need to be addressed tomorrow night by chris wallace. >> it is scary stuff. we'll continue to talk about it over the course of this hour. john, love your city, love your state. kasey hunt wrapping up another 24-hour workday. kasey, we'll see you right back here tomorrow night as they say, thank you both.
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steve is going to sit here in the studio with me. coming up, president obama tells donald trump to stop whining, and that's a quote, over rigged election claims. and he has some advice for mr. trump as well. and trump supporters speak out what they're saying to our correspondent on the road about november 8th, and what might happen november 9th. this is the 11th hour, only on msnbc. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me.
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and welcome back to "the 11th hour."
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president obama thinks donald trump should quote, stop whining. the garden prep conference today with italian prime minister, president obama talked about the danger of trump's message that this election is somehow rigged. >> i have never seen in my lifetime or in modern political history any presidential candidate trying to discredit the elections and the election process before votes have even taken place. it's unprecedented. it happens to be based on no facts. that is both irresponsible and by the way, doesn't really show the kind of leadership and toughness that you'd want out of a president.
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you start whining before the game's even over? whenever things are going badly for you, then you don't have what it takes to be in this job. because there are a lot of times when things don't go our way. and if he got the most votes, then it would be my expectation of hillary clinton to offer a gracious concession speech and pledge to work with him in order to make sure the american peo e people. i would like to welcome mr. trump regardless of what he said about me or my differences with him on my opinions. and escort him over to the capital in sch there would be a peaceful transfer of power.
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that's what americans do. that's why america's already great one way of weakening america, making it less great, is if you start betraying those basic american traditions that have been bipartisan and have helped to hold together this democracy now for well over two centuries. >> and an american president moment earlier today, the president of the united states using many of the words we last heard right here from steve schmitt who remains in the studio joining us here in new york. professor eddie glaw jr. from princeton who is the chair of the university's department of african american studies rejoins us at the table. speaking of being a professor, welcome to a lesson in democracy that we just saw from the president. >> right, and it's ironic too, right? since 2008, there's been a
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certain segment of this country that has questioned the legitimacy of his presidency. and so here you have president obama, in some ways giving voice and eloquent terms what is so central about the peaceful transfer of power in this country. about people like the democratic electoral process in this country. and for him who has suffered in so many ways over the last eight years, from people questioning, doubting in some ways trying to undermine, and here we see that basic tendency exaggerated by donald trump. and this is what's so ironic about him, because a lot of the things that he's doing, steve, we've seen evidence in the republican party. so the question around voter fraud. that's been the justification for voter id laws across the country. the issue of the media being rigged against media bias against republicans.
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that's been a theme of the republican party for a while. and what you see are these things exaggerated, right? rendered in a particular form by donald trump. that's noxious, but we've seen it for a while. what do you think about that? >> i agree. listen, i thought we heard from the president of the united states. he's the 43rd man to hold the ufs in the history of our country. he's the steward of office first occupied by george washington, and you think of some of the giants of american life that have been in the white house, they've sat in the oval office. and i think of it shortly after pearl harbor with fdr. there was a great controversy about wlot christmas tree should be lit. and fdr said, the christmas tree will not only be lit, but we will move it to the south lawn and despite the security concerns, i will address the crowd. and he had been meeting for hours earlier with a special guest who reintroduced that
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night. and winston churchill came out and he said to the americans who said let the children have their christmas and let them revel in it and to have a great day and let your hearts be filled watching the children there with christmas and that tomorrow will be a day with our daring and our sacrifice and our struggle that we will do what we have to do to guarantee they're inheritance. and that's what the office of president of the united states is about. part of our inher stance our democratic system. which is guaranteed through elections. and when it's undermined by candidates of the presidency, we have to understand how cancerous that is. >> yeah. >> fascism did not rise and we need to understand that. >> professor, this is emotional. donald trump has the ability in a word or a sentence to make
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this go away from that stage tomorrow night and any of the surrogates have tried this past week what do you think will happen? >> he'll be donald trump. i don't think he could be anything else. i think what we're going to see is him to teemt us back. we're going to see him run through standard arguments that -- or accusations he will throw against, throw towards hillary clinton. it's like i said, throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. and when it doesn't work, he's going to run to the gutter. he's going to run to the gutter. we're going to see incoherence. i've said before on this show that he moves between being a lunatic and adolescent. he's in between. i think tomorrow we will see donald trump. and, you know, as frequently quoted, people show you who they are, believe me. >> we'll take a break in our conversation. our thanks to steve schmitt,
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professor eddie glaw jr. the coincidences when you talk about -- consequences about rigged election and voter fraud. what we are starting to hear from trump supporters about the daze after the election. and still ahead, president obama's final state dinner, a glamorous night in washington. this is "the 11th hour." there's no one road out there. no one surface... no one speed... no one way of driving on each and every road. but there is one car that can conquer them all, the mercedes-benz c-class. five driving modes let you customize the steering, shift points, and suspension to fit the mood you're in... and the road you're on. the 2016 c-class. lease the c300 for $369 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. daddy! lets play! sorry kids. feeling dead on your feet? i've been on my feet all day. dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles have a unique
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gel wave design for outrageous comfort that helps you feel more energized. dr. scholl's. feel the energy! and so when i saw that, that was completely disqualifying. i'm a republican, but this election is so much bigger than party. my son max can't live in trump world. so i'm crossing party lines and voting for hillary. i don't always agree with her, but she's reasonable. and she's smart. she can work with people to solve problems. i want to be able to tell my kids that i did the right thing when it really mattered. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. when you're close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment? if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. with taltz, up to 90% of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques.


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